Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Getting off the rat race treadmill

It seems in Western cultures that we are almost programmed from birth to acquire THINGS.  If you ask people what they WANT out of life, most will respond with THINGS, e.g., comfortable home, nice car, clothes, good job and most will probably answer, money.  If you ask these same people what they NEED out of life, most people will likely pause and then say, health, safety, food and probably love.

Why are the two lists so different?  Why is there a separate list of WANTS and NEEDS?  Why do we spend our lives chasing the former and not the latter?

In Western cultures, it seems children grow up in an environment that emphasizes the WANTS over the NEEDS  They observe their parents working very hard to be able to purchase THINGS that are on the WANTS lists.  Incorporated into the WANTS lists are the NEEDS, but the focus seems to be on the WANTS.  Education is to be obtained so that one can obtain the WANTS.  So, these little people become adults chasing the WANTS.  Sure, some would say that the WANTS include the NEEDS.

When did education become a means of obtaining WANTS rather than a means of enriching the mind?  How exactly are our lives enriched by the THINGS on the WANTS list?

At a base level, humans NEED shelter, food and good health.  Yet, we climb on a rat race treadmill, chasing the THINGS on the WANTS list.  We want a big and even bigger house.  We want a new, fancy car with all the gadgets.  We want a bigger television.  We want lots of clothes and shoes.  We want a refrigerator and pantry stocked with lots of food.  We want our children to have the latest video game systems.  The list of WANTS is endless and the obtaining of these WANTS is a never-ending journey.  It's as if the obtaining of all these WANTS give us a badge that shouts to the world, I HAVE MADE IT, otherwise known in this country as "obtaining the American Dream."  Throw in 2.5 children and a healthy retirement fund that many will not live long enough to spend.

At the end of the day (your life), none of this will amount to anything.  Your survivors will pick over these THINGS that represent your earned badge, sell most of them and add to their collection of THINGS.  And the cycle continues.

Satisfying the NEEDS list is less time-consuming and ultimately more satisfying.  A life uncluttered by THINGS will open the way for the blessings!

