Monday, January 7, 2008

I didn't make my bed this morning.

And you know what? The world didn't end. The Good Housekeeping Committee didn't show up banging at my door. And, I didn't hear my mother's voice in my head chiding me. For those who don't know me well, this is a big thing for me. I am such a creature of habit - and routine. Even though I've not worked for two years, I arise each morning early and before I take my daily bath and brush my teeth, I make my bed. Today, I didn't. No reason. No excuse. I just looked at it and said, I'm not going to make my bed today.

This year, I'm really trying to do things differently. While I doubt that not making my bed daily will become a habit (I really do love the look of a neatly -made bed), I'm realizing that I don't always have to be "on" and neither does my home. What a breakthrough! What's next, leaving dishes in the sink overnight?



Anonymous said...

GF - I can't remember the last time I made my bed. Yes it Mama would hang her head in shame.

Authortee said...

rofl, GF. My day of sloth only lasted one day. :-)

Anonymous said...

Since I change my sheets 2x weekly, the bed gets made twice a week. Usually around 8pm just before I go to bed.