Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Morning

It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in San Antonio. We've been having, even for us, unusually warm days for nearly the last week, highs in the 70's. I'm loving it. (There's a reason I moved from Pennsylvania.)

I've had an amazing week. No earth-shattering events, however, for reasons that I don't understand and am not questioning, it seems I'm gaining a sense of stillness, balance in my life. I began reading, again, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I knew, but had forgotten or rather had not been living, the principles taught in it. I am, by nature, a worrier or what I like to call, an anticipator. You know the type, anticipate this, worry about that, expect this, a kind of what if this happens person. I'm learning to separate my mind from myself. Sounds kind of New Age, right? But hold on, don't get caught up in labels. Our minds are ever in motion, constantly thinking, anticipating, even awaiting. This process prevents us from the stillness that is necessary for us to become attuned to ourselves, our being. The most brilliant accomplishments - musical compositions, literary masterpieces, even scientific discoveries - have come from a moment or moments of stillness. It is when we are most in tune with our true self. True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.

Be still for a moment and allow and enjoy the suchness of the moment.

Have a blessed week!